Merge: Combine multiple fields into one

class txf.Merge(source, inputs, output[, glue=''])

The Merge transform combines two or more fields into a single field. Merge can be used with Divide to combine field variants that have been reformatted separately into a single representation

source: Transform

The input pipeline.

inputs: tuple(str), str

The fields to combine. They will be dropped from the output, so use Copy to preserve them.

output: str

The output field receiving the merged values. It cannot overwrite existing fields, so use Drop to remove unwanted fields.

glue: str or callable

Either a string used to join the input values, or a callable. If the glue is a callable, it will be given the values of inputs as positional arguments in the given order. It should return the merged value.


Merge(p, ('US Date', 'UK Date',) 'Date', '')
Merge(p, ('Sales 1992', 'Sales 1993',) 'Sales', operator.add)